Here's a sampling of work we're proud to have created for clients.



The excitement of starting college can often wear off quickly. We wanted a contest to keep the momentum of enrollment going well into the beginning of the semester. New students were given sweatshirts with the TCI logo on them as part of their initial enrollment processes. We asked them to take a selfie and share it to be entered to win a tablet. The result was 10% jump in page followers and increased engagement. 

Jolie Disney

The magic of Disney worked for Jolie Academy. The school launched a "Disney Day" at each of its locations, asking students to style their hair, make-up or nails in a Disney theme. A winner was chosen from each location and shared on Facebook. The photo with the most "Likes" was chosen the winner. Overall, the contest helped to gather 100 new followers to the page, increased overall engagement by 95% and increased their organic reach by 10,000. 


We wanted a contest to keep current students focused on reaching graduation. We asked students to share what they hope to achieve after they've received their diploma and tag it with #TCIGoals. We compiled the list of reasons and shared them. The contest received 72 total entries, increased page followers and engagement.